I Found Someone

I Found Someone


I Found Someone

Other songs written with
Save Our Love
Can’t Turn It Off
Fool’s Game

Only $17 includes s&h

TheWritten by Mark and Michael Bolton, “I Found Someone” was first recorded by Laura Branigan,  for her Atlantic Records CD “Hold Me”.  This version is not available yet on this page.  It will be soon….
Thereafter Michael interested Cher in recording the song, which he produced, and her wonderful voice made the song come alive to touch hearts all over the world. 
Michael’s version of the song on the original demo is amazing (though unfortunately not available), and his version on his “Greatest Hits” is a wonderful and fresh approach to the song.

Mark re-recorded the song for his new CD “Lift” (see the “Lift” page) giving it his interpretation and of course exploiting and embellishing the signature keyboard arpeggio intro and ending.